CPF Police Officer of the Month Award Recipients
2022 CPF Police Officer of the Month Award Recipients
Recipients will receive a personal plaque in recognition of their good deeds, and perpetual plaques will be displayed at Cleveland Police Headquarters, the offices of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, and the Fraternal Order of Police Cleveland Lodge 8 where they will serve as an inspiration to others.
December Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Tamara Smith
This month’s Cleveland Police Foundation’s Police Officer of the Month, Patrol Officer Tamara Smith, is a hard working and dedicated officer who still finds time in a busy schedule to spend time with the youth of the community.
Officer Smith volunteered to coach the PAL Team during the NIKE/PAL Summer Basketball League held at Cudell Recreation Center this past year. Although she worked night shift, she gave up some of her sleep to coach for six weeks and mentor the young ladies on her team. Tamara’s love for basketball, having played in high school and college, and for youngsters was a perfect combination.
When reached for comment Executive Director of PAL, retired CPD Sergeant Bob Kumazec, stated “Tamara is an outstanding person, we feel so lucky to have her as one of our PAL officers, the girls loved and respected her.”
It is because of her dedication and devotion to both her job and the community that the Cleveland Police Foundation is honored to name Patrol Officer Tamara Smith our Police Officer of the Month for December 2022.
Nominated by CPD Retired Sergeant Bob Kumazec
November Police Officer of the Month
Sergeant Amy Harper and Detective Beverly Fraticelli
Sergeant Amy Harper and Detective Beverly Fraticelli recently performed in an exemplary manner well beyond the call of duty in their commitment to officer well-being and service to the community. These two outstanding officers are members of the Cleveland Police Women’s Network and recognized the need for care in women’s health among the CPD members and their families when it comes to breast cancer and other types of cancer that affect women across the country.
This past September they organized a fundraising event which included sponsors and businesses donating gifts to be raffled off to raise funds for women’s health. This event took months to plan and had many logistical moving parts requiring much of their personal time. This event also resulted in raising thousands of dollars for women’s health and included the sale of over 300 pink badges to officers across the division that were worn in the month of October to show their support for women’s health and the fight against cancer.
I reached out to Captain Tim Maffo-Judd, who nominated these officers and stated, “With so many officers being affected by cancer in many different ways, Sgt. Harper and Detective Fraticelli recognized an area of need and took a proactive approach to raise funds, bond together, and show support for affected officers and their families and screen for future health risks. For these reasons, these two accomplished policewomen deserve to be recognized as the Cleveland Police Foundation’s Officers of the Month.” It is because of their dedication and devotion to a deserving cause that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Sgt. Amy Harper and Detective Beverly Fraticelli, our Police Officers of the Month for November 2022.
– Bob Guttu, CPF
Nominated by Captain Tim Maffo-Judd
October Police Officer of the Month
Detective Sean Coleman
Detective Sean Coleman works out of the CPD 5th District and has a reputation for being a hard- working and dedicated individual. After visiting the 5th District recently I also found that Detective Coleman takes pride in his work and is admired by his colleagues for his work ethics.
Among others, I spoke with Sergeant Wade Westerfield who nominated Detective Coleman and he stated, “Detective Sean Coleman handles all of our most violent cases which causes him to put in more hours than the average detective. He is the first one to volunteer to come in on his days off whenever needed. Detective Coleman handles his assignments in a professional and concise manner and deserves to be recognized for his efforts.”
It is because of his devotion and dedication to his profession that the Cleveland Police Foundation is honored to name Detective Sean Coleman our Police Officer of the Month for October 2022.
– Bob Guttu, CPF
September Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officers Brooklyn Barnes, John Jordan, David Adkins, Ameer Mohammed, Christopher Wilson Sr., and Sergeant John Kubas

Top Row: Patrol Officers Brooklyn Barnes, John Jordan, David Adkins, and Ameer Mohammed. Bottom Row: Patrol Officer Christopher Wilson Sr. and Sergeant John Kubas
On Saturday, August 20, 2022, Ward 5 Councilman Starr was hosting a “back to school” festival at the Friendly Inn. Sergeant Ray O’Connor, along with Officers Brooklyn Barnes, John Jordan, David Adkins, Ameer Mohammed, Christopher Wilson Sr. and Sergeant John Kubas attended the festival with high hopes to engage and interact with the youth on a positive note.
While playing football with the kids Sergeant O’ Connor approached Officer Barnes, and advised her he had been stung by two bees. He also advised that he was allergic to them, and that his EpiPen was back at the 4th District. Within minutes, Sergeant O’Connor fell to the ground and became unconscious, which turned into a life threatening emergency.
Officer Barnes and the other officers got Sgt. O’Connor back to the car and rendered aid, while civilian Tomika Johnson quickly sprung into action and ran home to grab her 10 year old son, Zaire’s, EpiPen. Returning on scene within seconds, Ms. Johnson volunteered the EpiPen to Officer Barnes who administered it to Sergeant O’ Connor. The officers then transported Sergeant O’Connor in the back of a zone car to the nearest hospital.
Remaining unconscious, doctors and medical staff at St. Vincent Hospital quickly provided medical attention to Sergeant O’Connor, who was then transferred to ICU for further observation. Doctors explained to Officer Barnes that the EpiPen that was provided by Ms. Johnson, and the quick response from all the officers, no doubt saved his life.
It is because of their quick action and concern for their brother in blue that the Cleveland Police Foundation is indeed honored to name Patrol Officers Brooklyn Barnes, John Jordan, David Adkins, Ameer Mohammed, Christopher Wilson Sr., and Sergeant John Kubas as our Police Officers of the Month for September 2022.
August Police Officer of the Month
Officers Zachary Banks, Danielle McNulty, and Niccolo Angelino
The Mowing with the Cops program in the City of Cleveland began a few weeks ago and got its start with a donation from Rodney Smith representing a non-profit called Raising Men and Women. His intention was to have the police mow the lawns of residents who can’t do the work themselves. He provided a lawnmower equipped with a strobe light bar, and presented it to the Cleveland Police Foundation. The Foundation also donated a Weed Wacker and leaf blower. Lt. Tim Maffo-Judd of the Second District then recruited off duty Officers Zachary Banks, Danielle McNulty, Niccolo Angelino and City Councilman Kris Harsh to mow and trim the yard of an appreciative Ms. Nolen, a resident of the city’s west side.
Lt. Maffo-Judd said, “These three officers took time out of their Saturday afternoon to assist an elderly community member who was unable to do the work herself. These officers from the Second District represent their district at the highest level and they did not hesitate to help when volunteers were needed.”
It is because of their dedication to the community they serve and their willingness to help others in need that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Officers Zachary Banks, Danielle McNulty and Niccolo Angelino our Police Officers of the Month for August 2022.
July Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Bob Yuhas
Patrol Officer Bob Yuhas of the CPD Fifth District is a dedicated veteran officer who is well respected by both his peers and his supervisors.
When contacted to comment on his work ethics, Lieutenant Chris Haist of the 5th District B Platoon stated, “Officer Yuhas is assigned to a one man car and usually takes care of report runs, accidents and always empathizes with the victims he deals with, building a stronger bond with the community. I value his opinion and have picked his brain on several topics. He is often given tasks by his supervisors because they know he is dependable and will get the job done. Bob also mentors newer officers and helps them with any questions they may have. It is refreshing to see how his work ethic and dedication rubs off on his fellow officers. Officer Bob Yuhas is a leader on our shift, and his knowledge and experience is truly an asset.”
Bob has also volunteered for many years in Cleveland Police Athletic League sponsored events often accompanied by his daughter Elsa whenever possible.
Executive Director of Cleveland PAL Bob Kumazec stated, “Officer Yuhas has enthusiastically assisted with many PAL events including the annual Cleveland Police Children’s Holiday Party and Toy Giveaway each December. His unselfish dedication and always present sense of humor is deeply appreciated and valued as a member of the PAL family.”
It is because of his dedication to his fellow officers and the community he serves that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Patrol Officer Bob Yuhas our Police Officer of the Month for July 2022.
Nominated by Lt. Chris Haist, Bob Kumazec, and the CPF
June Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officers Deonte Gibson and Raul Rodriguez
Patrol Officers Deonte Gibson and Raul Ridriguez work as partners in CPD’s First District answering radio calls but somehow often find time to engage in a positive way with the community they serve.
In his recommendation to honor these two officers Lieutenant Timothy Stacho stated “I recommend Officers Rodriguez and Gibson for the Cleveland Police Foundation’s Officer of the Month award because, during the course of my tenure here at the First District and since they partnered together on car 1B14, Officers Rodriguez and Gibson have exemplified what the Division expects of its officers with specific regards to community engagement. It is not uncommon for them, between handling calls for service, to engage with the community during sporting events (i.e. basketball games) at City parks and recreation centers. I believe their efforts deserve recognition”.
An example of this engagement happened late last year at Gunning Recreation Center and was witnessed by Johnathan Pratt. a Therapeutic Behavior Specialist who was there with a client. Mr. Pratt stated ” These two officers entered the Recreation center, approached my client and began playing basketball with him and explained the rules of the game. I was very impressed with these fine officers and believe they should be rewarded for their actions”.
It is because of their dedication to their profession and willingness to engage with the community that the Cleveland Police Foundation is honored to name Patrol Officers Deonte Gibson and Raul Rodriguez our Police Officers of the Month for June 2022.
Nominated by Patrol Officer Kerry Adams and Lieutenant Tim Stacho
May Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Orlando Velazquez
Patrol Officer Orlando Velazquez has worked in the 3rd District Downtown Service Unit for almost 14 years. Though he recently took an opportunity to work at the Crime Scenes Unit, he built countless relationships with downtown businesses and citizens during the decade he worked there. He is well known in many businesses downtown, serving the heart of the city in true community building style. He would often give his personal cell phone number to businesses who would call him many times for guidance or just suggestions on how to keep their business safe. He has worked part time in Rocket Mortgage Field House and various downtown commerce, further building relationships in the community.
When asked about Officer Velazquez’s work ethics, Laurie Torres, the owner of Mallorca in Cleveland’s downtown warehouse district stated, “I have seen many changes in the city, but one thing that has not changed is the city’s commitment to safety. For me safety has always been associated with the officers who kept me, my staff and my business safe. In the years that Orlando was assigned to us he became less our safety patrol and more like our family, and like family he never wavered in his commitment to us and to the city’s safety. Whether it was a call about a wayward homeless person or a person whose desire for ‘spirits’ over took their ability to reason. I always knew Orlando would be there in an instant to help us navigate the situation with a steady and empathetic hand. It is an honor to know Officer Orlando Velazquez, and a privilege to call him friend.”
It is because of his dedication to his profession and community that the Cleveland Police Foundation is indeed honored to name Patrol Officer Orlando Velazquez our Police Officer of the Month for May 2022.
The May Police Officer of Month was nominated by Patrol Officer Freddy Diaz.
April Police Officer of the Month
Lieutenant Timothy Maffo-Judd
Lt. Timothy Maffo-Judd is a well-respected officer in the Second District by not only the officers that work for him but also the community he serves and is a true believer in the Community Policing concept. Maffo-Judd is now only one of two officers within the Division of Police who has been chosen twice for the Cleveland Police Foundation’s Police Officer of the Month Award. He was also nominated and chosen for the award in March of 2016.
When notified of Lt. Maffo-Judd’s nomination, Commander Tom Stacho of the CPD Second District stated, “Timothy Maffo-Judd could be considered for this recognition month in and month out. He is a tireless worker who goes out of his way to represent the Division with distinction, and he is an unapologetic advocate for those who work with and for him in the Second District. Lt. Maffo-Judd is constantly considering projects to undertake whether they be fundraising for a cause or taking collections to help the less fortunate in our community. Lt. Maffo-Judd is a leader of whom the Division can be proud.”
It is because of his dedication and devotion to both his profession and the community he serves that the Cleveland Police Foundation is honored to name Lt. Tim Maffo-Judd our Police Officer of the Month for April 2022.
The April Police Officer of Month was nominated by Retired CPD Captain Keith Sulzer.
March Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Adrian Calhoun
Patrol Officer Adrian Calhoun is assigned to the Community Relations Unit and shows a true desire to interact with the citizens of the community. He is not only respected by his fellow officers for his work but also by his supervisors.
Retired CPD Captain Keith Sulzer stated “Adrian has always stepped up when help is needed for a community event, from playing dodgeball with the kids at an afterschool event or cooking chili for a Cops for Kids fundraiser, he’s always made time to help bring cops and the community together.”
Further endorsing Officer Adrian Calhoun’s work efforts was Sgt. Sherrie Flores of the Community Relations Unit who stated, “Patrol Officer Adrian Calhoun is an asset to the Bureau of Community Relations. One of his many duties include being the Director of the Cleveland Division of Police Explorers Program. Although he didn’t expect to have that responsibility, he’s taken it on and is doing an amazing job.”
It is because of his desire to work hand in hand with the community and his dedication to his profession that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Patrol Officer Adrian Calhoun its Police Officer of the Month for March 2022.
The March Police Officer of Month was nominated by Retired CPD Captain Keith Sulzer.
February Police Officer of the Month
Police Officers Heather Popovich, Charles McNamara, and Ryan Miranda along with Police Sgt. Greg Williams
Four outstanding officers from the Second District are the February Police Officers of the month, according to Dick Clough, Cleveland Police Foundation Chair.
Cleveland Police Division Second District Police Officers Heather Popovich, Charles McNamara, and Ryan Miranda along with Police Sgt. Greg Williams are true believers in the concept of Community Policing. During their assigned patrol duties, they often take time to interact with members of the community not only to build relationships, but also to learn whether the individual neighborhoods have any concerns.
During this past Christmas season, these officers volunteered their time to assist in distributing socks and underwear received from the Second District Annual Sock and Underwear Drive to benefit the homeless community.
This is what their immediate supervisor, Lt. Tim Maffo-Judd had to say about these officers: “These officers are always willing to go the extra mile to assist those in need and to build a better community. That is why I recommended them for the Cleveland Police Foundation’s Officer(s) of the Month Program. Their dedication and devotion to their profession and the community make them more than worthy of this recognition.”
The February Police Officers of Month were nominated by Lt. Tim Maffo-Judd.
January Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Hassan Ali, Sergeant Patrick Becka, Detective Zachary New, and Detective Mark Jelenich
Last summer (2021), members of the Cleveland Division of Police Second District demonstrated how a positive attitude in a team effort can really make a difference when applied to police work.
A woman reported to the Second District Police Headquarters that a friend had beat her up and stolen her vehicle with her six-week-old son inside. An investigation was initiated by Patrol Officer Hassan Ali, Sergeant Patrick Becka, and Detectives Zachary New and Mark Jelenich.
Working as a team, they were able to identify the offender using a list of past addresses and establish a positive make and model of the stolen vehicle along with the license plate number. The investigation eventually led the officers to Youngstown, Ohio where they met with the Youngstown FBI Field Office Agents. Through a joint effort, the officers and agents were able to locate both the child (thankfully unharmed) and the vehicle. However, the offender had fled the scene.
When contacted about this incident, Second District Lieutenant Tim Maffo-Judd stated, “This is a prime example of excellent police work by four outstanding CPD Officers working as a team to ensure a positive outcome to a serious situation. They are all very much worthy of this award.”
It is because of their dedication and devotion to their profession that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Patrol Officer Hassan Ali, Sergeant Patrick Becka, Detective Zachary New, and Detective Mark Jelenich as its Police Officers of the Month for January 2022.